Eggman 06

So I went to play Sonic 06 on my Xbox and I put in the disc and Bill Gates came to my house and told me to fuck myself. I cried on my Xbox and it broke. I got a new one and smashed the old one to get the Sonic disc out. However the game was now EGGMAN 06! I turned the game on and all it showed me was Eggman's jaw unhinging like a snake and red foam came out. Eggman screamed for 5 minutes. I vomited everywhere and Eggman came out of the screen and strangled me. The last thing I saw was him dusting off his hands and jerking off on my dead body. Then my ghost rose from my body and I saw Eggman dancing to "I am the Walrus" and it was scary. He went to a feminist convention and killed Sonic there. I hate eggs now.